Fully Invested Welcome to Fully Invested where we look at ways to increase your odds of success using evidence based investing strategies. This week, we're looking at the style that made Warren Buffet famous: value investing. Value Investing Investing comes in many shapes and sizes and styles. What I want to focus on are the areas that don't always get attention in the media but have an evidence based track record of success. One of the most common approaches that follows this philosophy is...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read
Fully Invested Welcome to Fully Invested! My newsletter about evidence based investing for Canadians. I wanted to launch this newsletter because most of the content around investing is hype based or fear based. But hype and fear don't lead to quality decision making... I like evidence and systems and repeatable processes. My suspicion is that you do too. (If not, please feel free to unsubscribe!) What is evidence based investing? Recently, I launched the Find Your Focus Scorecard which helps...
over 1 year ago • 3 min read
Hi Reader, When I get emails from podcast listeners, or speak with new clients, the number 1 thing that people struggle with when they're trying to improve their finances is determining what to focus on and where to start. Money topics can be overwhelming and there's no shortage of loud, noisy voices out there saying what they think is important.So I decided to make the Find Your Focus scorecard that will help you find the areas that YOU should focus your efforts on if you're trying to...
over 1 year ago • 1 min read
Fully Invested May 5, 2023 Coming Soon! Hi Reader, Later this year I will be launching a weekly newsletter called Fully Invested which will help you start, grow and maximize your investment portfolio with evidence based strategies specific to Canadians. If you'd like to subscribe to Fully Invested click HERE to be on the day 1 list. Canadian Money Roadmap Milestone Today I reached a cool milestone of 150,000 downloads on the podcast! Podcasts, unlike social media, don't scale naturally so it...
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read